*Design By Humans Invade SXSW*Last Week Design By Humans took to the streets of Austin to meet and greet our amazing community. We took along our street team members and the winners of The Crave Online Contest. Free tees and other goodies were handed out and we met a host of awesome people. Thanks to "Cabooth":http://www.designbyhumans.com/shop/crave-undead-zombie-shirt/12813/ and "DeadBugDesign":http://www.designbyhumans.com/shop/skull-crave-shirt/12789/ for coming out and competing in the epic Art Battle hosted by Crave Online. Thanks to all the other great Design By Humans members who made the trip out too, you rock! Here is a set of images showing our journey, the highlights and the great people we met. See the full set "HERE.":http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151467421411192.1073741825.52286741191&type=1 "An awesome event unfolded and artists were empowered during our live art battle":http://www.designbyhumans.com/forum/dbh-news/1151563/sxsw-craveonline-and-design-by-humans-contest-results/
"Our street team had a blast and worked the crowds. They met some of our awesome community members in the wild, good times!":http://www.designbyhumans.com/forum/dbh-news/1151563/sxsw-craveonline-and-design-by-humans-contest-results/
"Support the artists and pick up the winning tees today":http://www.designbyhumans.com/shop/new-t-shirts/