Artist Mini-Interview pt 2
This is part 2 of our Artist Mini-Interview focusing on our artists favorite art. Design by Humans has so many wonderful artists in our collective and so many amazing pieces of art. We asked our collective to choose their personal favorite designs and tell us how the design came to be. Missed part 1? Check it out here.

"One of my first designs and still my favourite is Cute baby hedgehog. The reason has to do with my childhood memories. The second favourite is Pocket chipmunk for the same reason, but also because it seems that people here like it!"
DBH Artist: elinakious
# of Designs: 23

"Funny Little Black Cat - This illustration means so much to me. This scratchy little hand drawn illustration kickstarted my exploration of Print on Demand and has sold all over the world. After a glowing report, I have just discovered DBH and am delighted to bring him here. He's all on his own right now but will soon be joined by the whole cast of quirky StrangeStore characters."
DBH Artist: StrangeStore
# of Designs: 4

"I'm very proud of my second design Calavera Watercolor Design. I'd wanted to make it for a long time, and I finally got the necessary gear to do so a few weeks before last years Christmas. Definitely my favorite so far."
DBH Artist: phileas5928
# of Designs: 8

"My favorite piece so far is Angel On My Shoulder. I like how the in the foreground the girl seems forlorn, cold and desolate, but the wider image is hopeful and uplifting. I think the overall impact is very striking."
DBH Artist: ElBe
# of Designs: 17

"Party Time Excellent - This parody idea was so obvious I couldn't NOT do it. I actually had the idea sketched out already just sitting there for a few years. It showed me that good ideas shouldn't go to waste. I eventually had the time to finalize it and it's been one of my best sellers! Journey Through the Garden was a creative milestone for me. I never really worked with watercolors before so it was fun to experiment with different techniques and applications for the medium. I enjoy how it turned out in the end."
DBH Artist: SteveOramA
# of Designs: 35

"Wander Child is honestly my favorite of the bunch. I am, to this day, a big fan of the style in Japanese culture and the rough look of paint brush strokes. With inspiration and creative drive, I was able to finish this fairly quick despite the final look being different."
DBH Artist: acdramon
# of Designs: 9

"I love word play, so I often do mashups. And I managed to do one about music and video game: Zeldallinka. What's even better is it's a collection of five designs, all four Link characters playing solo and as a band. And music is part of my everyday life too, so this sums up a lot of my personality. And people love them too, DBH staff even featured one of them, so I'm quite proud of this series. ;)"
DBH Artist: Dagui
# of Designs: 20

"Passengers is one of my personal favorites because it embodied the work I really enjoy doing. It's centered around a character design and it has lots of details and hidden meanings. Those are the two things I love to do. It also sold well here when I first posted it and that made me very happy."
DBH Artist: Wotto
# of Designs: 78

"My favorite design is Japan meme drifters. Domo-kun and Kumamon an illustration based on japan gorgeous stance car by "bad quality" crew ( and well-known meme mascots as domo-kun and kumamon, which represent fun and crazy wibes of such kind of tuning culture. And reaction of owner this car (@180nakkan) was priceless, lol"
DBH Artist: MasterTrigger
# of Designs: 14

"Superb Mario is my favorite design in my store. I've always had an interest in both history and video games, which is probably why I love Assassin's Creed games so much, and I feel that this design combines both of those interests by depicting one of my favorite video game characters in a historical style and setting."
DBH Artist: JHArtandDesign
# of Designs: 30

"I am an old school graffiti artist from Germany and my personal favourite design is CANZILLA - Graffiti Monster Spraycanit combines all the things I love, such as Letters, Cartoon Characters and a lot of Chaos :) Stay tuned, there are more crazy designs to come... "
DBH Artist:
# of Designs: 7