Easy DIY Halloween Costumes for the Lazy Person in All of Us

Easy DIY Halloween Costumes for the Lazy Person in All of Us

At DBH, when we say we’re “getting ready for Halloween” what we actually mean is we’re getting enough candy so that — even after we eat half the bag — there’s enough candy for trick-or-treaters on October 31st. The holidays can lead to stress eating… Adulting is tough, but adulting during the holidays is even tougher.

We know that there are all sorts of demands on your money and time during Halloween, so DBH is here to help keep it simple and stress-free as possible. You already have your hands full with elaborate decorations (like tiny pumpkins that you don’t exactly know what to do with), jumbo bags of candy, costumes for multiple Halloween parties, and adorable outfits for your pet. So, don’t stress about finding the perfect costume for yourself (or spend all your free time super-gluing feathers to your homemade chicken suit) because this year DBH has the perfect DIY costume treat for you!

1) Can’t Beat This Costume: Piñata

If you want to win the title of the sweetest costume at this year’s Halloween party, then look no further! Grab a bag of Halloween candy and stuff your pockets because you’re about to head out into the world as a piñata. Not only is this costume fast and simple, but everyone loves free candy, right? Not even the guy who spent months making his costume can win against someone handing out free candy. You’ll be the hit of the party! Plus, you can get into character by giving a baseball bat and an eye mask to party-goers (with strict instructions not to hit you) so you can throw candy at them. #winning

2) That’s a Wrap: Mummy

If you feel like you spend every Halloween trying to keep your holiday stress under wraps, then we have the perfect costume for you. Pick this easy all over costume tee and then have a glass of wine to unwind a little afterward!

Plus, if you want to add more layers (so many mummy puns!) to the costume, just rip up some cheap white bed sheets and dye them with black tea (to get that creepy dingy appearance)! Or — if you’re really tied up and run out of time this holiday — wrap some toilet paper around yourself instead. Everyone will love you at the party snack table when the napkins run out.

3) You Knead this Costume: Cat Person

If you are anything like us, then you’re probably a cat person all year long. Trade in that regular “cat person” attire (aka slippers, messy hair with kibble crumbs, and a cat sweatshirt that reads “Cat Mom/Dad”) this year for an even better “Cat Person” look with DBH’s bluesdog’s Mr. Whiskers outfit instead.

Now you can pretend to be an actual cat person with this hilarious costume tee! Add a pink nose and whiskers with face paint for the purrfect finishing touch. With this meowvelous outfit you can be a jerk all day and not feel bad about it! So, go ahead and knock water glass over, refuse to come when called, and sing the song of your people all night long.

4) Show Off Your Booty: Zombie Pirate

If you already spend every Halloween stealing other people’s candy, then we have an arrr-wesome costume for you! Stay in the Halloween spirit AND steal people’s treasure (aka candy) this year with the perfect DBH Zombie Pirate Costume Tee!

If you add a twirly mustache (drawn with face paint or eyeliner), a paisley print scarf, and a bottle of grog (any empty glass bottle will do) then you’ll be sailing through every party like you own the place!

Plus, there’s no beating a two-in-one costume. Pirate? Check. Zombie? Check. Best costume? Check.

5) To Boldly Wear, What No One Has Worn Before: Red Shirt

For Star Trek fans, the DBH FanShop is a one-stop-shop for your Halloween needs! Is there anything easier and more authentic than a “Red Shirt” costume for a Star Trek fan? Spock would agree that it is “highly illogical” that you will find something better.

Plus, it gives you the perfect excuse not to go to your weird coworker’s costume party or to that awkward office party! Just stay in character and say you know what happens to a “Red Shirt” who beams down to that party…

There are a lot of things to be afraid of on Halloween but finding the perfect costume shouldn’t be one of them! DBH is here to make sure you have a little more “treat” in your Halloween than “trick” this year! We’ve got your back (and your front too) with these awesome Halloween all over costume tees! Take the stress out of the holidays with these easy DIY styles!

Order before October 17th to get your costume tee in time for Halloween or check out some of our Halloween tees from the Fall Fright Collection, Occult Collection, or officially licensed designs from spooky favorites like Goosebumps, IT Chapter Two, Pet Sematary, Halloween, and more!

Featured Artist: Pooper

Featured Artist: Pooper

Featured Artist: OctoStudio

Featured Artist: OctoStudio